[LEFT]                                                             LED lighting design: how to  restore the true color of the object 100%? Grasping the color rendering  index is especially important for children
                                     I believe that friends who pay  attention to lighting or lighting design will come into contact with a  term called "color rendering index". What does this mean? Let's find out  together.
                                                                                                          What is the color rendering index (CRI)?
[LEFT]     The color rendering index of the  light source refers to the parameter of the ability of the light source  to restore the color of the object. It is mainly used to define the  difference in the chromaticity of the LED light source. The score of  this index is 0-100.
                                                              Simply put: color rendering is an  important aspect of evaluating the quality of lighting, and color  rendering index is an important method to evaluate the color rendering  of light sources, and an important parameter to measure the color  characteristics of artificial light sources. The higher the color  rendering index, the higher the color rendering index of the light  source. The better the color, the stronger the ability to restore the  color of the object.
                                                              The Commission Internationale defines color rendering as: compared with a standard  reference light source, the effect of a light source on the color  appearance of an object.
                                                              General color rendering index:  the larger the Ra, the better the color rendering performance; on the  contrary, the worse the color rendering performance. The color rendering  index of sunlight is defined as 100.
                                                              Although the "color rendering  index" does not represent all of a lamp. But "high CRI" can largely  determine the effect of lighting-high color reproduction[/LEFT]